A Doves Autopsy
[8:25] Colin Tunwarm: right the body presents a male
[8:25] Colin Tunwarm: 35 years or there abouts
[8:25] Bart Olbers: *takes notes*
[8:25] Colin Tunwarm: 5 feet 8 inches tall
[8:26] Colin Tunwarm: firsdt impresssions he was fairly healthy although his teeth are in poor condition
[8:26] Colin Tunwarm: hmmm
[8:27] Bart Olbers: he made an unstable impression on me....
[8:27] Colin Tunwarm: look at the skin
[8:27] Colin Tunwarm: its pocked
[8:28] Bart Olbers: is that significant?
[8:28] Colin Tunwarm: yes
[8:28] LdyGadivea Lane is Online
[8:28] Colin Tunwarm: its a result of syphilis
[8:29] Colin Tunwarm: look at his hands
[8:29] Bart Olbers: uhm... right... he had the clap?
[8:29] Colin Tunwarm: a rash on the knuckles
[8:29] Colin Tunwarm: to put it bluntly yes
[8:29] Colin Tunwarm: saw a lot as an MO in the army
[8:29] Colin Tunwarm: accounts for his teeth being rotten as well
[8:29] Bart Olbers: ok
[8:30] Colin Tunwarm: and i bet if i removed his pants.....yes there you go large blisters
[8:30] Bart Olbers: in severe, chronic cases, it affects the brain too, right?
[8:30] Colin Tunwarm: would have been agony passing water
[8:30] Colin Tunwarm: well yes
[8:30] Colin Tunwarm: causes dementia
[8:31] Bart Olbers: hum.... maybe it got to his brain as well...
[8:31] Colin Tunwarm picks up a scalpel and makes a Y incisiion in the body....then pulls back the skin coveringf the skull
[8:31] Colin Tunwarm picks up a bone saw and oppens the cranium
[8:32] Colin Tunwarm removes the brain and holds it up
[8:32] Colin Tunwarm: there look....points to a dark area
[8:33] Colin Tunwarm: the blood was poisoned and failed to feed that area of the brain
[8:33] Bart Olbers: *notices the dark area in the brain*
[8:33] Colin Tunwarm: its very light too
[8:34] Bart Olbers: so, he was likely suffering from the shyfilis....
[8:35] Colin Tunwarm: should be around 3 pounds in weight
[8:35] Colin Tunwarm: this is less than 2
[8:35] Colin Tunwarm puts it on the scales
[8:35] Colin Tunwarm: yes underr 2 pouinds
[8:35] Colin Tunwarm: this man was just about alive
[8:35] Colin Tunwarm: being shot wa s arelease for hiom
[8:36] Colin Tunwarm puts the brain back in the skull and pulls the skin back
[8:36] Bart Olbers gave you Pinkerton report - Attempted Murder - 03/23/1899 (2010).
[8:36] Colin Tunwarm: takes the report and reads it
[8:37] Sandy Hammerthall knocks on the wood to get colin's attention
[8:37] Colin Tunwarm turns
[8:37] Colin Tunwarm: yes seth
[8:37] Sandy Hammerthall: think you can take stiches out for me again
[8:37] Colin Tunwarm: ill be in the office soon
[8:37] Colin Tunwarm: want to see a human brain?
[8:37] Sandy Hammerthall: want to see my lunch
[8:37] Colin Tunwarm laughs
[8:37] Sandy Hammerthall laughs
[8:38] Colin Tunwarm: ill be along shortly
[8:38] Colin Tunwarm sews up the body for burial
[8:38] Colin Tunwarm: now the weapon
[8:39] Colin Tunwarm: bart are you ok?
[8:40] Bart Olbers: *hands the sharp pointed weapon, he impounded yesterday, during the apprehension of the Doves Killer*
[8:40] Colin Tunwarm takes the weapon examines it
[8:40] Colin Tunwarm: well its not a surgical scalpel
[8:41] Colin Tunwarm: quite cumbersome
[8:41] Colin Tunwarm: although its very sharp
[8:41] Colin Tunwarm: the blade is long around 6 inches
[8:41] Colin Tunwarm: thin
[8:41] Colin Tunwarm: yes id say this is the blade
[8:42] Bart Olbers: good... that solves the murder weapon..... what was the exact cause of death on our Doves killer?
[8:43] Colin Tunwarm: i would say he bled to death following catastrophic destruction of his internal organs with a high powered fire arm
[8:43] Colin Tunwarm: nmaely a 45 calibre
[8:43] Colin Tunwarm: the syphilis would have kiled him eventually
[8:44] Colin Tunwarm: but he bled to death
[8:44] Bart Olbers: Gigi shot him several times...
[8:44] Colin Tunwarm: being strangleds didnt help
[8:44] Bart Olbers: ok
[8:44] Colin Tunwarm: but it was the gunshot injuries
[8:45] Bart Olbers: ok... so the gunshot wounds were fatal for him?
[8:45] Colin Tunwarm: and ii would say he was suffering dementia from the infection of syphilis
[8:45] Colin Tunwarm: i would say so
[8:45] Colin Tunwarm: the poor sod was ill
[8:45] Bart Olbers: hum... that would mean, he was criminally insane when he did his murders.....
[8:46] Colin Tunwarm: he was given a release
[8:46] Colin Tunwarm: oh very much so
[8:46] Colin Tunwarm: im no psychiatrist
[8:46] Colin Tunwarm: but i would say it was the contributoing factor
[8:46] Colin Tunwarm: he would never have hung for it
[8:46] Colin Tunwarm: with a good lawyer
[8:46] Bart Olbers: ok.... clear case... he would not have hung, if he had been on trial?
[8:46] Colin Tunwarm: brb
[8:47] Bart Olbers: ok