Doing the Laundry, the Tombstone Mafia Way
What do you do when YOUR money gets a bit dirty? are some cleaning strategies courtesy of the ladies of Tombstone.
(See full text below)
[14:22] Larah Westland (larah.daxter) pushes ipen the door of the bakery and steps inside
[14:23] Larah Westland (larah.daxter) smiles at NIcolette, "now I dare say it aint baguettes that ya wish ta talk ta me about is it?"
[14:23] Nicolette Charpentier (nicolettera) goes and looks out the windows one last time..."Ma soeur...there has presented do you opportunity, non?"
[14:24] Larah Westland (larah.daxter) looks intrigued "and what might that be, exactly?"
[14:25] Nicolette Charpentier (nicolettera) whispers: you know of the Salope who I have evicted from the home of Monsieur Oliver...this ...this...THING which they call Tabbie?
[14:26] Larah Westland (larah.daxter) nods "I know of her but I aint talked with her much and I aint seen her recently, I guess I aint been ta Annies lately and I hear that is where she is nowadays"
[14:29] Nicolette Charpentier (nicolettera) waves her hand dismissively..."Ce n'est important, ma is what the whore has left behind that is see...there is there a great sum of the money...which, ma choue says is very dirty because it has come from a robbery of un it has come into the talons of this Dove...i do not is no longer hers and I think that we can make it OURS, ma soeur."
[14:33] Larah Westland (larah.daxter) nods "well most of my money when I was with Jef came from that kind of work ma soeur, how do ya think I could afford so many dresses back then, or set up this bakery" grins, "but I gotta be careful, I don't want no one knowing it was me, and putting a stop ta the adoption of Rebecca, but then money is always useful aint it. So......"
[14:35] Nicolette Charpentier (nicolettera) nods..."Pas en tout, ma soeur...from the outside it will all seem very the moneys will appear very clean...the plan is simple if you will hear it."
[14:36] Larah Westland (larah.daxter) looks over to the windows to see if anyone was to come in, then leans in a little closer to hear, "of course ma soeur "
[14:40] Nicolette Charpentier (nicolettera) smiles devilishly..."The funds...they are in a place which is safe and not easily found...I bake daily the baguettes for my would be little trouble to make a few more and place them here in your bakery...where will appear to PAY me for the baguettes..."...smiles..."from the soiled pile of cash left by the whore...from which you will take a "fee" for the shelf space occupied by my dirty is all you see?"
14:43] Larah Westland (larah.daxter) nods "I can do that, people will be none the wiser" she smiles "how often do ya want paying? every week or month?"
[14:46] Nicolette Charpentier (nicolettera): what do you think best, ma soeur?
[14:48] Larah Westland (larah.daxter) thinks for a moment, "perhaps weekly, then it will get things moving, but not so quick as ta draw suspicion. Is there anything else that could work also? I have the mercantile too, something else could be 'sold' in there"
[14:49] Nicolette Charpentier (nicolettera) looks back hearing the door..."Ah! Ma choue."
[14:49] Larah Westland (larah.daxter) hears the door open and looks over, then relaxes as it is Sadie
[14:50] Sadie Hiker (magentastormcrow) grins "Nah... y'aint gonna tell me y'all back here bakin' cakes?"
[14:51] Larah Westland (larah.daxter) smiles "well we might be shortly, aint got round to that"
[14:52] Nicolette Charpentier (nicolettera): I was only making the business deal which we have discussed concerning the baguettes, ma is all settled, je there are some other opportunities as well.
[14:52] Nicolette Charpentier (nicolettera) winks conspiratorially at Sadie
[14:53] Sadie Hiker (magentastormcrow) nods with a hum... looking at the fresh bread, tempted to pick at it, but behaves herself.
[14:53] Sadie Hiker (magentastormcrow) catches Nicolette's wink with a "Ah... ha...."
[14:54] Sadie Hiker (magentastormcrow): Amn guessin' we've moved awn frum poisonous florah n'fauna then?
[14:55] Nicolette Charpentier (nicolettera) looks back to Larah..."Perhaps will will begin with the Baguettes et the other opportunities will present themselves, ma soeur?"
[14:55] Nicolette Charpentier (nicolettera): for the moment, ma choue...for the moment
14:56] Larah Westland (larah.daxter) catches Nicolette eying the bread, "oh go ahead and have some, if ya want, i was only gonna take them home and use em, I dont think they will sell today." nods "yes, perhaps there will be more opportunities, and can we agree on a price, for my trouble?"
[14:58] Nicolette Charpentier (nicolettera) looks to Sadie..."You know better than I what our funds amout to, ma choue...what price do you think fair for the troubles of ma soeur?"
[14:59] Sadie Hiker (magentastormcrow) gives Nicolette a half smile "Well, ah ain't gawt no head awn me fur business... But, way ah see it... Three way split? More than 'nuff t'go round... after expenses?"
[15:00] Larah Westland (larah.daxter) nods and holds out a hand
[15:00] Nicolette Charpentier (nicolettera) offers her hand in return
[15:01] Sadie Hiker (magentastormcrow): me nods and puts her hand in
[15:01] Larah Westland (larah.daxter) grins
[15:02] Sadie Hiker (magentastormcrow) smiles "Ahm gonna leave the rest ah it t'you both... y'just let me know when y'want me go fetch."
[15:03] Nicolette Charpentier (nicolettera) nods and gives Sadie a little kiss on the cheek...taking a small piece of bread from the shelf and handing it to Sadie..."Compliments of ma soeur."